A couture red suede Precious handbag with with red and black tip Coque feathers and a bamboo coral stone handle.
Lining: Red and black
Handle: Red 20mm x 30mm bamboo coral with red seed bead accents
Size: The Grande: 14”x 23”
Handcrafted with Love and Light in Miami, Florida.
The Heart Angel - TONI Grande Crescent Leather Bag
SKU: GPL2004
As you carry my ANGEL BAG OF THE HEART you will feel yourself lifted to your highest true potential. A great physical energy, raw power, courage and passion for life and love will surround you. See through the eyes of your heart, You will love with each beat of your heart, and the deep passion you carry inside of you will spread to those you pass along your way. Make no mistake, when you carry My Red Heart Angel Bag, wherever you go, someone’s heart will skip a beat just for You!